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Pioneer de salute oleum, lingzhi M5 ostendit difficile potentia salutaris oleum.

Cum oleo pretio volantes ad excelsum gradu, multis car dominis coepit "Respice ad oleum et suspiria". In campester of cibus consummatio facta est momenti factor afficiens consumers 'choice of cars. Ut cibus-salute pioneer in agro commercial mpv,Lingzhi M5Pluresque plura consumers pro humilitate fuel consummatio et magna spatium. Ut melius ostentare cibus, salute vires lingzhi M5, in July 9th, in "Fuel Saving Lingzhi, refueling tibi"Lingzhi fuel-salute provocatione tenuit per Dongfeng aperuit in Nanjing Yinxinghu paradiso. Dozens of media reporters and car owners took on the role of contestants, and launched a fierce competition to jointly verify the fuel-saving strength of Lingzhi M5.

Lingzhi M5

In unam-sextam oleum provocare, lingzhi M5 et idem-genus exempla monstrabit circulus cum sextarius olei ad certatim in longissimum mileage. The Lingzhi M5 was fully loaded with five people, circling at an average speed of 18km/h, and finally shocked the audience with the longest mileage of 15.3 km driven by one liter of oil. Cum eodem genere, linguam Lingzhi M5 manifesta commoda in fuel consummatio.

Optimus-venditionis exemplar virtus adjuvat de, ultra-humilis cibus consummatio pugnat contra altum oleum prices.

In spatia, Lingzhi M5 certatim cum eodem genere exempla in eodem gradu, et habebat magnus elit in loading facultatem. A 450mm*320mm*280mm cargo box was prepared on the spot, and the media and users took part in the evaluation challenge as contestants to see which car was loaded the most without tilting the rear seats. With a wide body of 5135*1720*1970, Lingzhi M5 can easily accommodate 13 cargo boxes, and its loading capacity is obviously superior to that of the same class.

In flagranti atmosphaera de competition, lingzhi fuel salva provocatione factum est ad finem. Hodie, cum saaring oleum pretium, Lingzhi M5 ostendit extrema cibus consummatio, quae providet magis referat ad consumers eligere cars. Deinde, Lingzhi cibus salvis provocatione erit tenendum in Zhoukou, Ningbo, Jinan, Baoding et Changchun.




Email:dflqali@dflzm.com lixuan@dflzm.com admin@dflzm-forthing.com
Phone: +867723281270 +8618577631613
Oratio: CCLXXXVI, Pingshan Avenue, Liuzhou, Guangxi, Sina

Post tempus: Nov, 12-2022