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Quam ad facere Chenglong fulget in pulchra Qinghai?

"Et figura huius currus tam frigus, eamus et vide quid est." Hoc est fere gementes omnis particeps, qui ad Guangxi Pavilion 2 (Qinghai) Internationalis adipiscing Expo cum viditChenglongPhantom II Dolless Car sita in principalis ostium visneto.


Guangxi, ut unus de Hospes Provinciis (Regionum) De 23 Sina Qinghai Green Development Investment et Trade Fair et 2 Sina (Qinghai Donglong Pre se ferre a Drivless Currus ex Dongfeng Liuzhou Motor Currus de Dongfeng Liuzhou Motor Currus Courless Ltd., Quod est plena scientia et technology.

After receiving the notice of organizing the exhibition from the Commerce Department of the autonomous region in late June, the company attached great importance to it, and the company office, import and export company, CV technology center, test center, CV sales company and other relevant departments cooperated with each other to confirm the transportation of exhibits and other related work, so as to ensure that this heavyweight exhibit can be delivered to Xining, Qinghai in northwest China on Tempus.

Sicut in facadad of Guangxi theme Pavilion, est etiam intellectualis creatio Guangxi, quae est factum a aedificationem socialismi cum Chinese characteres in novam era. Chenglong phantasma II Dolless currus etiam attracted wide a convivis ab omnibus ambulat vitae.


Xinhua.com, Zhongxin.com, quotidie, Guangxi Daily, Guangxi TV, Qinghai Daily, Qinghai TV et alia related media et nuntiavit in Chenglong II Dolless Car.


In hac se ferre, cum frigus et oculus-capit figura de vehiculis, illud etiam adduxit aliquid potentiale cooperante occasiones ad comitatu. Mr. Bisnu, Honorary Trade Repraesentativas de Nepalia, Sinis camera commercii et industria, etiam visited Guangxi theme Pavilion in persona, et valde interested in secunda generatio et tractor Dongfeng Liuzhou Motor Co, LiD. Chenglong phantasma in ostentationem. Et communicate certatim cum repraesentativis participating conatibus ad de export cooperante de medium et gravibus salsissimus vir vivens products.


Nuper, in 23 Sinis Qinghai Green Development Investment et Trade Fair et 2 Sina (Qinghai) Internationalis Eco-Eco, quod prospere conclusa. Dongfeng Liuzhou motricium Co, Ltd. Et permanere suscipere voluntatem status, possessores conatibus, sit intellectualis exemplar Guangxi, et ostenderet novam Demeanor.

Post tempus: Aug-10-2022